Sunday 28 April 2013

Nature and faith

the beauty and the beach

In my reflection this is where I find myself. At the beach. The beautiful beach which I am lucky enough to say is my home. I often come down to the beach to relax, meditate and enjoy it's beauty! Today I thought about the beach and me, our relationship. It really got me thinking about how nature is a life source. It refreshes us, cleanses us, makes us calm or makes us happy. Nature is powerful, it can be destructive and it can be uncontrollable however it's enormity and its purity is something that we forget all to often. I think it's the very enormity and the inability to tame nature that can teach us a lot about spiritual and religious adherence  What people believe, the God they worship or the hope and faith that fills their hearts to do amazing things cannot be explained, it cannot be tamed and it cannot be controlled. Of course it's sad to think that people try to control it, monitor it, judge it every day. However belief and faith can't be fully understood by those for whom the ideas are senseless. We need to remember that we don't need to make sense of other people's beliefs, we might never see sense. We simply have to accept. Nature, like faith, is not finite. It will grow and survive. But there are limits. We need to foster acceptance and tolerance just as we need to foster and care for the ocean, the trees, the earth. We don't own the earth. We don't own what people believe or why they believe it, we own our ability to make sure it grows and grows and grows for the future, for happiness and for the simple truth that life is more beautiful with growing trees and hope filled hearts. 

Fishing at dusk- 

The most beautiful family enjoying the beach-

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